Image by: Farzad-mohsenvand-Tbuescu

Book a Session:

60 Minutes $108.00

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What to expect in a session:

Three key critical aspects discussed from your chart and the North Node

North node

The North node is the aspect that reveals your life purpose. It reveals the best way to focus your energy to fulfill your souls mission. The north node helps to reveal your talents and passions best suited for your disposition.

I am not a professional Astrologer, but have spent a fair amount of my life studying it and being fascinated by its accuracy. Astrology is another life tool that helps one to better know thyself.

Astrology is a method, a predictor of the everyday mundane events that makes the assumption that the celestial bodies of the planets and the stars. Based on arbitrary combinations of the constellations. (Sun, moon, and stars) 

The wiring in each of us is different. It’s not “good” or “bad”, it’s just wired the way we are wired. Your birth chart provides a picture of the inner wiring you were born with, but what you do with that wiring is up to you.

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