Setting your Vision for 2020
“If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”
― T.D. Jake
Think of the words CLARITY, VISION and STRIDE.
As we move into the NEW YEAR and the NEW DECADE
It’s time to plan and provide yourself with the most important aspects that will help you concretize you visions, dreams and desires. The New Moon in Capricorn on December 25th, will help you “work for the future you want to see”. Under this new moon make intentions to create a structure and foundation for them to grow.
Allow yourself to ANCHOR into your vision with this new moon’s energy and use this time to read, write, pray or ritual!
Questions to ask yourself
What nourishes my senses?
What type of movement and strides do I need to make this year?
How can I best use my free-will to best serve myself?
How do you bring your unique self forth in the world to help support and serve others?
Think of the words AUTHENTIC, VISION and EXPANSION
Know that you are meant to take-off, blast off and succeed.
Setting a VISION is so important and we are not alone. We can tap into divine support from God and his magnificent universe. We have been gifted with the greatest computer ever created; our MINDS or brains.
The glial cells get to work when we are at rest in our brains and either sleeping or during meditation. The glial cells prune and discard the weeds and debris we need to get rid of. The caveat is that if we don’t assign our brains tasks and roles, it will use what we focus on as its guiding light. The part of the brain inside the neuroplasticity.
Learn this acronym: R.A.S Reticular Activating System
This part of the brain is “on” 24 hours a day. The brain has a limited amount of space. The brain is filtering things out automatically. The brain runs on default mode. It tries to sort through what is important of what is not. Default mode has value in certain moments, but allowed to run amuck, it can be very dangerous! Why? Because it can keep you complacent. What happens when we set an intention and set a vision? Our RSA locks it in, and that then becomes the filter and the MAP for our brains to follow.
“In other words, you would not have the desire unless you were capable of its achievement. Each of us has a built-in governor and our desires are modified by our abilities and leanings. Whatever you desire with the wholeness of your heart, understand that it can and should be yours”. - Earl Nightingale
How do you know when your RAS is off-track or full of debris? You are filled with too many good ideas, feel confused and are spinning feel stressed on where to begin, start or direction to head. When your RSA is clogged with negativity, fear and lack, you are “locked” in a pattern, which is not serving you.
We can water our visions through meditation, practice yoga and other healing modalities, but if our gardens are full of weeds, then we are wasting the water.
Your vision is like setting your GPS for the new year – lock in the destination for where you want to go, and let the universe navigate the way. Most of us want to see the proof or have a trail of breadcrumbs left on a path for us to follow. Dr. Wayne Dyer assured us that “You will see it, when you believe it”.
Reflect on things that you can “celebrate” that you achieved in 2018.
What things did you do well?
What things are you SUPER PROUD of that you made happen?
In what ways did you level up last year?
How did you show up last year?
Were you a good friend, co-worker, lover?
How did you treat and think about your own self? Were you as kind to yourself as you were to others?
What toxic habits and do you need to shift in this new year?
What toxic people do you need to create boundaries with?
Who Worked in 2019?
Writing down our intentions and wishes is very powerful.
Write a vision as if you are at the end of 2020 and that your vision has already happened. Think of it as a thank you note to the universe, full of gratitude for all of the amazing and incredible things you will be gifted and will transpire in the new year. Begin every sentence with an expression of gratitude. “Thank you...”, “I’m so grateful that, “I’m so thankful that…”.
Make sure that you incorporate all areas of your life in both of the examples.
Personal care and wellbeing, Love and relationships of all types, Work and career, Money and prosperity, Health and wellness and creativity and passions.
Read your vision out loud to yourself daily or whenever you can
Post it near your alter or place where you will see it regularly
Record it in your own voice and listen to it daily, especially when stuck in traffic.
The most important thing to remember…WHEN you fall off track and lose your way, start over again! Studies have shown that, as long as you keep restarting, you will eventually create the consistency to lock in the the desired intention or habit.
Everything begins with an IDEA
Riches of every kind, begin with a STATE OF MIND
One can start with nothing but thoughts, ideas and an organized plan
Thoughts are things and are POWERFUL when mixed with a definiteness of purpose and a burning desire for their translation into material objects or Riches, whatever you define as riches- Earl Nightingale
“The truth is the human mind is as real an organism, as any muscle in the body, but far greater in potential power and like muscle power, it can be strengthened to lead onto unimagined conquest”. - Charles A Surami
“If you know what you want and you want it strongly enough to muster up the kind of persistence that simple cannot be stopped, you will most certainly achieve it, by controlling your mind, you can control your destiny on earth”. – Earl Nightingale