C.O.T.A Life

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“God can’t do for us what he can’t do through us”.

What really, really, really deserves to be the center stage in your life? How can you begin to let go of other’s opinions and truly follow your bliss?

I was reminded of one of my all time favorite quotes, while watching “Finding Joe” with my friend Jenny, about Joseph Campbell’s work on the Hero’s journey.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  Joseph Campbell

Get into the driver’s seat of your life and apply your foot firmly on the gas petal. Head for the adventures, the creations and the ideas that are burning in your soul. Focus intently on what you really want and ignite it with your sincerity, your faith and your internal power.

Face head on the fear, the tension and the worry of the “how” and go for it, knowing that a journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step! Focusing on WHY you are doing something helps to unlock people, information, ideas and knowledge and allows the Universe to take care of the details.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”  Will Rogers

Lose This Day Loitering
Lose this day loitering-twill be the same story
To-morrow-and the next more dilatory
Each decision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting o’er lost days,
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Only engaged, and then the mind grows heated
Begin it, and then the work will be completed!
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

 Dr. Wayne Dyer does marvelous job of dissecting this poem to give us tremendous understanding.

“Goethe’s message to us today is not so much in the voluminous body of his creative endeavors, but in the way, he lived his life. He demonstrated a willingness to live a full and resplendent life, to be adept in a multiplicity of pursuits, and to permit a spirit of ecstasy to permeate his activities. Goethe was gloriously alive, a man of enormous creative energy. There is much that we can learn if we allow his greatness to guide us in today’s world.”

“The most effective way to teach anyone what we would like them to know is through behavior, not words. Often endless hours are spent in conversation, expressing our frustration about what we find objectionable, and verbally exchanging insults and examples of what is so exasperating. The desired change does not materialize and you still experience the anguish of being mistreated. It may be true on some level that communication is the key to successful relationships, but often it seems that the more words are exchanged, the less successful the outcome. This can be true with significant others, family members, employers and employees, even your own children”.

“This one makes a net, this one stands and wishes. Would you like to make a bet which one gets the fishes? - Chinese Rhyme

“We all seem to suffer from the inclination to discuss our problems endlessly. We put together committees to study problems and go to the committee meeting to talks about all the reasons that something probably cannot be done. People of action are not inclined to join committees and listen to ad hoc reports. People of action, those who make a difference in life, those whom we most admire, all seem to know the truth of the ancient wisdom, “What you do speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you say.” Be a DOER. And in the process, you will do more to teach others and bring fulfillment into your life than all the words in the dictionary could ever convey.”  Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Action may not bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”  William James

“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.”  Deitrich Bohoeffer

“Action is the antidote to despair.”  Joan Baez

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”  Thomas Edison

“The question for each man is not what he would do if he had the means, time, influence and educational advantages, but what he will do with the things he has.”  Frank Hamilton

“Do not think about finishing a project, or about how overwhelming the task may seem. Do nothing more than begin, by seizing this minute. Stop the excuses you have come to rely on to explain why you don’t get the really important things accomplished in your life. The main reason you haven’t completed what you say you would like to do is that you have refused to begin seizing the moment. All the excuses are just that, excuses. In your heart, you know this is true. Surround yourself with doers. Be around people who demonstrate their boldness. And conversely, remove yourself physical from those who encourage you to wallow in your excuses and explanations. Keep your immediate field of energy free from contamination.”  Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Don’t drink at the water’s edge, throw yourself in. Become the water. Only then will your thirst be quenched.” -Jeanette Berson